Title: Adrian's Ego-Masochistical DOOM Adventure
Filename: graphics/myface.zip
Size: 35.7 KB
Date: 06/13/94
Author: Adrian Hayes
Description: I couldn't resist this one! Here's me in DOOM. For those of you who want to shoot yourself (or someone else), scan a photo at 72 dpi, edit yourself for the only thing on a 100% blue/ 100% green background, then use dmgraph to import it in. See the batch file to get an idea of what needs to be changed.
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An early graphics replacement that is mentioned in the old Doom FAQ. It's a collection of .gif files and a .bat file with Dmgraph commands. It replaces the Cacodemon with a black and white photograph of a man's face. There is only one "frame" (full-front) and the death/attack frames are Monty Python-esque cut-up manipulations of this one image. One star for historical interest; dates from a time when the majority of PC gamesplayers were adults.x

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