Title: NewDoom Skys - Doom Version
Filename: graphics/newdsky1.zip
Size: 134.26 KB
Date: 12/31/00
Author: Sparky of KISS Software
Description: Tall skys for Doom or Ultimate Doom (sky1 to sky4) based on the banner image from the web site NewDoom. This wad is dedicated to the guys (and gals?) at NewDoom - Happy New Year and all the best with your site in 2001.
Credits: NewDoom and whoever made the original banner image on which this sky texture is based.
Base: the banner image from the NewDoom web site.
Build time: Maybe 6 hours for both the Doom and Doom2 versions - it took several attempts to get it looking okay, and of course getting and editing the screen shots takes time.
Editor(s) used: Paint Shop Pro, WinTex, DeuTex, and NWT.
Bugs: Vavoom doesn't use the F1 key to view the Help screen - select it from the main menu.
Rating: (1 vote)
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