Title: Nti. Groove
Filename: music/ntigroov.zip
Size: 5.95 KB
Date: 01/19/97
Author: J. Simola (artist formerly known as Faidros / POCD)
Description: Maybe you know, maybe you don't, but anyway there's a pop band called Aikakone (in English: The Time Machine). It is quite popular in Finland, the radio stations are always (or at least nearly) playing their songs. This song is one of the worst, it was even voted to be the most popular song of year '96 although it was released somewhere in October... Have fun! It isn't all bad, listen to Mr. President and compare...
Credits: Aikakone, especially Maki (& Make) for the song. Teemu (a.f.k.a. Ostrowsky) for fixing the bass line.
Base: Disco hit by Aikakone
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Cakewalk Apprentice, Midi2Mus, DeuTex
Bugs: sounds horrible with FM card, doesn't sound at all without sound card, bit too clinical horn sounds with AWE32, different drums than in original...
Rating: (1 vote)
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Just an old disco MIDI.x

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