Title: O.J. DOOM II (version 'b')
Filename: graphics/ojdoom2b.zip
Size: 43.13 KB
Date: 01/05/01
Author: Wayne Poe
Description: A simple, single-player map for Doom II mostly designed to show-case the new monster ... O.J. Simpson, who shoots "Kato Kalen" fireballs at you (replaces the Cacodemon).
Credits: Sparky of KISS Software (kelm@eisa.net.au) for converting the original Dmgraph patch to wad format, and for tweaking the map made specifically for the original patch.
Base: graphics - ojdoom2.zip (Dmgraph version) map - ojlevel.zip
Build time: maybe 3 hours
Editor(s) used: Dmgraph, DeuTex, WinTex, NWT, Deth, Paint Shop Pro.
Bugs: some of the animation sequences are suspect, but probably adequate for the purpose.
Rating: (1 vote)
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Maybe material for jokewads. Other than that...x

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