Title: Xuta's Doom Stuff (Pistol Version)
Filename: combos/pistol.zip
Size: 2.87 KB
Date: 01/27/07
Author: Xuta Woo
Description: Makes you start without pistol, and makes Zombiemen drop pistols. Also makes your viewheight "proper" in my opinion.
Credits: The NUtcracker from Zdoom's forums for the awesome pistol sprites. (Originaly was the kind you see in the manual.)
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Several minutes. O-M-G
Editor(s) used: SLumpEd. Yes, just that.
Bugs: Something probaly bad happens when you run two or more of the files provided.
Rating: (3 votes)
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I think this would be much better used in a map designed for a fist start rather along with maps that have been designed for a pistol start. (no-duh) But yeah, this could be useful for a prison map where all of your weapons have been looted. But, for a mega-wad, it would cause problems with pistol starting levels. (as stated below by Anon)x
Starting out w/o a pistol and only being able to get it back from a zombieman is retarded beyond words when somebody wants to do a pistol start runthough of a map that may not have zombiemen.x

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