Title: Pokemon Stadium: Featuring Mario POKESTAD.WAD
Filename: skins/pokestad.zip
Size: 253.91 KB
Date: 07/17/00
Author: John D. Corrado a.k.a. DOOMFLYNN
Description: This is a graphics WAD with some new sounds and music and has two skins for ZDOOM and DOOM LEGACY
Credits: id Software for Doom, Olivier Montanuy for Wintex, Ed Cripps for the Pikachu skin, Martin Smith for the Mario skin, and Nintendo for Pokemon.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: About 6 days
Editor(s) used: Wintex
Bugs: None that I know of
Rating: (32 votes)
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Suuperleuk x
only furFAGS themselfs say furFaGsx
Pokemans are for furFAGs.x

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