Title: rapping lyrics for doom part 5
Filename: sounds/rapping5.zip
Size: 252.93 KB
Date: 02/09/96
Author: zach karpinski, better known as mr. corruption
Description: rapping sounds for doom and doom 2 songs taken from dr. dre, snoop doggy dogg
Credits: the maker of dmaud v1.1.. you should make a doom 2 version.. for DOS..
Base: New sound wad, made from .vocs (44,000kHz)
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DMAUD v1.1
Bugs: None known. I usually catch them all. If there are some, e-mail me. Thanks.
Rating: (2 votes)
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This is dated January 1996, and it's by "zach karpinski, better known as mr. corruption", which made me smile. Judging by the man's Flickr account - there can't be many people called Zach Karpinski who live in Milwaukee and work in IT - he is a very, very white man who got married in 2008. The wad itself is rubbish, just seven sound loops picked randomly, none of which fit the actions they represent.x

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