Title: Random Deaths & Decoration
Filename: combos/rdnd.zip
Size: 1.38 MB
Date: 05/15/14
Author: Mr. Chris
Description: After getting burnt out on Brutal Doom, I still wanted vanilla gameplay but I liked having alternate deaths for the monsters (and other things) so I put together this for my entertainment and yours.

Nearly all monsters have multiple death sequences, dead things and gore are randomized and a couple other surprises.

There are no weapon changes at all so if you want to load up your favorite weapons mod that doesn't alter monsters, make sure you load it up before it.
Credits: id Software, SlaYeR, Rogue Entertainment, Brutal Doom, Beautiful Doom, Minor Sprite fix project, Neutered.wad, Blox, Vader, Neoworm, ItsNatureToDie, Kinsie, Minigunner, Eriance, osjclatchford, Phil108, Captain Toenail, Skulltag, KDiZD team, DavidG, Russian Overkill team and Bloax
Base: PK3 from scratch, content compiled together but DECORATE mostly from scratch
Build time: 3 months on and off
Editor(s) used: SLADE
Bugs: None that I can find.
Rating: (16 votes)
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