Title: The real sounds collection
Filename: sounds/real.zip
Size: 1.01 MB
Date: 02/09/96
Author: Simon Renström
Description: The real sounds collection for DOOM.

This is not just another crappy DOOM sound WAD with silly Beavis & Butthead yells, irritating movie-quotes which repeats over and over again until you're going crazy or bad-timed low-quality weapon sounds... This is the REAL sound WAD!

My goal with this collection: Only to include sounds which are either
1. Better and cooler than DOOM's own - to make the game even more fun, OR
2. Just as good as DOOM's own - I was extremely tired of them anyway.

Quite pretentious goals, yes, but I think I succeded. Just remember that not everyone has the same taste (fortunately).

I would guess about 80% of the original sounds are replaced.
Base: A lot of different sources.
Build time:
Editor(s) used:
Bugs: None.
Rating: (12 votes)
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