Filename: combos/rheresy.zip
Size: 991.64 KB
Date: 05/29/16
Author: John Mullins aka Drfrag Rafael Angel Jimenez aka The Master
Description: This is an unofficial patch for Heretic: SOTSR 1.3 It will essentially port the levels to Doom II so they can be played with Doom monsters and weapons. This patch creates quality Doom levels featuring very good classic style gameplay. The necessary Heretic resources (levels, musics, sounds and graphics) are extracted at the user's computer Both full registered versions are required

Credits: id and Raven software John 'THE DOOM GOD' Romero Björn Ostmann aka Vader Vincenzo Alcamo Jim Flynn Nigel Rowand aka Enjay The authors of all the tools we've used
Base: Patched Heretic levels but not included!
Build time: Several years in and out
Editor(s) used: Deutex, Patcher, Slade, Dm2conv, Deth, Dehacked, NWT, Paint Shop Pro, Inkworks, XWE...
Bugs: None
Rating: (48 votes)
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