Title: Canon
Filename: combos/rslcanon.zip
Size: 7.88 MB
Date: 10/07/22
Author: Richard Smith Long
Description: Over the year, the DOOM community has produced a number of enhancements to augment the experience of the original game. I have selected and refactored into a single package all those that appeared to me as a good fit for any levelset, and that I got accustomed to. Hopefully, the package can be useful for other casual players like me who would appreciate an easy, single-point access to modern port niceties.
Credits: Various sources (see below):

KeksDose and Ral22 for 'View Dynamics, Nash Muhandes for 'Blood - Fix Release' and 'Universal CBlood', Lud for 'Extreme Death Effects', m8f for 'Target Inspector', DenisBelmondo for 'ZSteps', Boondorl for 'Universal Weapon Sway', PixelEater for 'Environmental Motion Blur', Redxone for 'SwitchTracker', Gutawer for 'GZSHUD'.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: around 24 months (heavily interleaved by other work)
Editor(s) used: Adobe Photoshop Elements, GoldWave Audio Editor, Notepad++, Slade
Bugs: When another modification brings its own custom HUD design, and the Canon custom HUD is disabled for a certain screen factor, the original /alternate ZDOOM HUD layout will be used.
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