Title: El Furia! (dIrE fIrE)
Filename: combos/rslfuria.zip
Size: 49.26 MB
Date: 07/26/12
Author: Richard Smith Long
Description: A guerrilla veteran delving into the daily business of UAC - the war against hell. In these days of stressed, seemingly endless and worn-out battles the skill of a tactical soldier is crucial to conquer more and more enemy territory, one little piece at a time. But even more so, his arcane bestial powers can do...
Credits: Various sources for resources and/or inspiration (see below):
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 6 months (of intermittent work, and controversial beta-testing, too! ;-) )
Editor(s) used: Adobe Photoshop, GoldWave Audio Editor, Notepad, XWE, Slade
Bugs: Widescreen modes are perhaps unsupported. Sorry.
Rating: (2 votes)
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The weapon selection is a bit limited for file size, but the rage mecanics surely makes up for that IMHO. I liked this one. 4* -- N|p|olx

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