Title: skin rugal (KOF 2002) by LUISDooMER
Filename: skins/rugal.zip
Size: 260.48 KB
Date: 05/31/09
Author: LUISDooMER
Description: es el skin de mi otro personaje favorito del kof 2002
Credits: a vos y al que comente...
Base: Modified
Build time: 3 horas
Editor(s) used: SlumpEd Audacity NeoRageX5.0 (NeoGeo emulator) The Gimp MSPaint
Bugs: en algunos wads (p.e. 32in24-6) pueden haber defectos en sus colores...
Rating: (3 votes)
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nice skin man 5 starsx
what a piece of shitx
useless and gay. this skin does not have all rotations. auto-fail. 0/5x

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