Title: SAM & MAX Sound wad
Filename: sounds/samaudio.zip
Size: 567.46 KB
Date: 01/09/96
Author: BoneZai_B
Description: A total sound conversion for Doom v1.2 and up. When I got a program to extract the Sam&max sounds ,my purpose was to make a sound wad less than a meg, and that replaced all the sounds. And i did!
Credits: Corosion, for having the game to for me to Get the sounds from. LucasArts, for making the game.
Base: Scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DMAUD, Deutex, and WinTex.
Bugs: A few sounds have small clicks at the ends. I have Tried to cut out the more obvious ones.
Rating: (1 vote)
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