Title: Shadow Marine
Filename: skins/shdwskin.zip
Size: 28.23 KB
Date: 07/25/17
Author: Michael Jan Krizik (valkiriforce)
Description: Simple player skin that replaces the regular Doom Marine with a mysterious shadow version; inspired from characters such as Shadow Jago from Killer Instinct Gold and Noob Saibot from Mortal Kombat and other silhouette-type characters.
Credits: Ultimecia for a Doomguy face sprite sheet I found and the Doomguy sprite sheet from a Doom fansite.
Base: New from scratch.
Build time: Roughly 4 hours.
Editor(s) used: XWE, MS Paint & Gimp 2.0
Bugs: HUD face doesn't seem to appear in Skulltag.
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