Title: South Park Doom 2 (now also works for Doom)
Filename: combos/southparkdm.zip
Size: 2.61 MB
Date: 07/14/98
Author: Nathan Lang "KoRnHoLiO"
Description: South Park sprites and sounds replacements for Doom II (may be used for Doom I with extraneous sprites and sounds)
Credits: Matt Stone and Trey Parker Olivier Montanuy author of WinTex and DeuSF Cyberdemon for his graphics. "Spooky" Steve Blauwkamp & "Decapitated" Chuck Fuoco for Simpsons Doom All at beef-cake.com for the sounds and pics I used. Additional credits on help menu in game and in the older .txt file.
Base: Simpsons Doom 2, Cyberdemon's Graphics wad, most sounds and pictures came from beef-cake.com and were edited by me.
Build time: About a month working on it in free time.
Bugs: The texture patches for the large demon at the final boss don't align for the same reason as Simpsons Doom. But it still looks damn cool.
Rating: (15 votes)
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