Title: Spector
Filename: skins/spector.zip
Size: 81.37 KB
Date: 06/19/06
Author: PuN!sHeR 13 (seen me on SkullTAG?)
Description: .......uh, some evil DOOM trooper i guess
Credits: id Software
Base: the original doom guy
Build time: about half a day
Editor(s) used: WinTex, mspaint, Photoshop
Bugs: no
Rating: (8 votes)
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Good work! :)x
under 9000 seconds in MSPaint.x
Man, i could do this! all it is is some recoloring and making teh visor black and putting reelly reelly easy green eyes on! This blows because you don't need to download it, you can just make it yourself!x
Uh, it's ok.x
Only one review? This skin is superb; exactly what I've been looking for through the mottled mire of garbage. This will be in my skins directory for all time - 5/5x
its an awsome skin, but skins arent worth downloading in skulltag cause nobody will see it unless they downloaded it too 4/5x

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