Title: Starcraft Sounds Wad
Filename: sounds/starcsnd.zip
Size: 2.67 MB
Date: 05/02/02
Author: KitCC
Description: Starcraft Sounds added to doom
Credits: Bilzzard Entertainment ID Software
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 day
Editor(s) used: Wintex,Starcraft Sounds Untitity
Bugs: None
Rating: (7 votes)
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Worst wad sound EVER. 0 STARS.x
Good, lets get this wad all right! Over the chaingun was not good, because the sound does not have full effect and very quickly shot to the sound!x
Would only make sense for a Starcraft Doom TC, which would combine the best games around, but that would require legal permission from Blizzard. And we can make our own Starcraft sound WAD if we have Starcraft. 2/5. printzx
The sounds themselves are mostly good, but they often seem strange in the roles they've been assigned to. Also, some of them seem to be too faint.x

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