Title: Strife Music Wad
Filename: music/strifmus.zip
Size: 89.02 KB
Date: 03/12/00
Author: Pupilla
Description: Well, ever played Strife? This wad contains 9 best tunes from this great game.
Credits: Creators of Strife
Base: .mus files from STRIFE1.WAD
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DeuTex 4.4.0, WinTex 4.3, WADPTR 2.0
Bugs: Do you think it's some new Micro$oft operation system or what?
Rating: (3 votes)
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Good work, the musi are sincerously better, but the 2nd Soundtrack i can't stop it, (Y) ;D MANY THANKSx
strife music sucksx
I love strife, And I love its music. Sure, Music wads are easy to make, And you did rip all of this, But hey, I like the sound it makes, So five stars fo' yo.x

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