Title: Terminator annihilation
Filename: combos/termanh.zip
Size: 2.52 MB
Date: 12/13/20
Author: SkeletronMK666
Description: This is a player class wad and a weapon replacement wad that enables you to play as various terminators form the terminator franchise. each terminator class has a unique weapon loadout and a unique powerup (berserk replacemnt)
Credits: Credits: PulseRifle sritework for endoskeleton arms and flash: SKELETRONMK666 pictures taken by: CacoDoomer spritework polish and gun detail: Skelegant

clusterbomb programing by StroggVorbis T600RPGcluster sprites edit by skeletronMK666
Base: New from scratch
Build time: roughly a year on and off
Editor(s) used: slade3, paint.net
Bugs: the T1000's blade arm weapons doensn't keybind, you'll have to use the scrollwheel
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