Title: Underwea.wad
Filename: graphics/underwea.zip
Size: 249.89 KB
Date: 12/28/97
Author: Lightning
Description: Imagine this: You are in the very pits of hell, sweating uncomfortably as you search the hallways for evil hell-spawn! Suddenly a door opens up behind you and you gasp in terror as you see a menacing Cyber-Demon towering over you!! Instead of screaming however, you laugh!! The Cyber-Demon is wearing-weari-wearin-wea-wearing UNDERWEAR!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Angrily it attacks you, rockets pounding into the walls behind you! You take up the BFG and blast it to.... well... Hell! I guess! Standing victorious, you watch silently in triumph as the underwear flutters in the air, laying to rest on it's dead master.
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Very funny. Esp. when using it with "Cyberdreams"x
sorry i didnt see it on zdaemon :P x

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