Title: El Viaje de Diciembre
Filename: levels/doom2/v-z/viaje.zip
Size: 1.35 MB
Date: 07/27/23
Author: Cacodemon187 and Eye del Cul
Description: Set of 6 levels with a consistent rustic theme, inspired by EARTH.wad, Fistful of Doom, Evilution and other 90's goodies. The project originated as a speedmapping challenge for me where I'd make the first two maps in a day each, the next two in 2 days each, and so on. I wanted to have 6 full maps originally, but I only managed to finish 4, excluding the thank you map and the secret map. Don't play the secret map, it's not very good. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the atmosphere and gameplay I've put together here! This project means a lot to me, and I'm glad so many people were able to enjoy it as well. Have fun! (FOR DETAILED CREDITS CHECK THE CREDITS TEXTFILE EMBEDDED IN THE WAD)
Credits: Arsinikk / Eye del Cul / sandwedge / baja blast rd. / Pezl / RataUnderground / Delisk / LadyMistDragon / Herr Dethnout / TheCyberDruid / Breezeep / Van Daemon / ifreakinlovedoom208 / suzerduzer / Bobby "J / elic / Dynamo / LGmaire / s4f3s3x / Valboom / hatehatehatehate / Cheesewheel / galileo31dos01 / Fiendish / Ganbare-Lucifer / TheShep / KneeDeepintheSludgemetal / DreadWanderer / P41R47 / Roger Ritenour / Xaser / NaturalTventy / Doomkid / Raven Software / ViolentBeetle / Avel @dibujame.cl / Alexander Seropian / Bjørn Lynne / Fookerton
Base: E2M2 from Eye del Cul's niveles.wad was used as a base for MAP03. The rest of the maps were made from scratch.
Build time: First draft of maps 01 to 04 were made between december 5th and december 10th. Then came like 8 months of procrastination before finally finishing up.
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, SLADE, Whacked
Bugs: Not anymore :)
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