Title: Weasel's Weapons
Filename: combos/weasweps.zip
Size: 1003.65 KB
Date: 08/08/04
Author: WildWeasel
Description: A set of crappy model-rip weapons, the Plasma gun from Doom 64, and a gun from lame Duke. Being my newbie mod, this was pretty crappy...I even hosted it on a Geocities webpage back in the day. The font I used for the title screen, Worldnet, was probably ripped from Blambot. (More info at the bottom)
Credits: MofoOfSpades for providing the plasma and flare projectiles, and the hundreds of artists who I stole sounds and models from.
Base: Too many to count. I feel so ashamed.
Build time: A couple of months.
Editor(s) used: Wintex 3.7, Goldwave, Cool Edit, Paint Shop Pro 3
Rating: (19 votes)
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