Title: Werewolf Skin
Filename: skins/wereskin.zip
Size: 129.49 KB
Date: 05/02/04
Description: A player skin for use with various ports or whatever
Credits: id Software, some guy who made a q2 skin
Base: a q2 player skin Build Time 50 hours (give or take a day) Editor(s) used QMElite, psp 5, nwtpro 1.14b Known Bugs None really. May Not Run With... your mom
Build time: 50 hours (give or take a day) Editor(s) used QMElite, psp 5, nwtpro 1.14b Known Bugs None really. May Not Run With... your mom
Editor(s) used: QMElite, psp 5, nwtpro 1.14b Known Bugs None really. May Not Run With... your mom
Bugs: None really. May Not Run With... your mom
Rating: (11 votes)
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The tail flips side to side too quickly, it looks like its butt is having a spasm. Other than that, pretty good.x
good x
Annihilate them all. Even if you happen to be a furry -- or at least a werewolf -- yourself. :) I know a few furries, I'm just not one of them.x

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