Title: Weasel's Mini-Mods Collection
Filename: combos/ww-mmods.zip
Size: 2.17 MB
Date: 11/26/06
Author: wildweasel
Description: A while back, I made a series of mini-mods for EDGE and posted them to my website. This is a collection of all of them. Mix and match them as you see fit.
Credits: Paul, Xaser, Scuba Steve, Scero, Xenophon, TDA, among others
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A day for each wad
Editor(s) used: XWE, Cool Edit Pro 2.1, PSP X, my brain
Bugs: Probably some minor glitches, but I can't remember what they are
Rating: (8 votes)
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i guess these are just resources? can't seem to play it all together. x
I wish you'd just take every weapon wad you see... and then do this with it!x
wildweasel made best weapon wads and another guy made cool level wads,wish if they were bros. :P and each of them made wads that = 5 start ratings.x
Fairly neat, it gets a 4 star rating from me, the guy who nobody knows or cares about. ****x

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