Title: Alternate Former-Human Soldier Graphics
Filename: graphics/zappem.zip
Size: 43.2 KB
Date: 03/30/97
Author: Just call me Mr Pink
Description: This PWAD contains new death scenes for the former human soldier (pistol guy), and makes them get electrocuted when you shoot them.
Credits: Many, many, many thanks go to id Software for the Doom series, and Oliver Montanuy for DeuSF!
Base: The files found in FHUM.EXE. Also, full and absolute credit must go to Brent McKibbin, because he made the .GIF version. I have **NOT** altered any of the graphics, I only put them into a .WAD file, thats all.
Build time: About an hour, including testing.
Editor(s) used: DeuTex 3.6 and DeuSF 3.6
Bugs: Well, I couldnt find any...
Rating: (2 votes)
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Useful for the "Disentegrate" damage type used in ZDoom if anyone bothers to use this.x
it would be better if they only got electrocuted by the plasma gunx

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