Title: Doom Project Version 1.1
Filename: music/zdmpro11.zip
Size: 161.78 MB
Date: 12/29/16
Author: Guy M. Babin
Description: Selected music replacements for the original Doom Episode 1 (Doom 2 MAP01-MAP09) personalized by the producer himself.

E1M1 (MAP01) -- "Diesel Engine" E1M2 (MAP02) -- "Detroit Value" E1M3 (MAP03) -- "Minimal Live" E1M4 (MAP04) -- "Goa Breathing" E1M5 (MAP05) -- "DigiRock Level" E1M6 (MAP06) -- "Move IT" E1M7 (MAP07) -- "Sucka Beat" E1M8 (MAP08) -- "Locomotion" E1M9 (MAP09) -- "Dark"
Credits: Music inspirations from the authors of Unreal Tournament 3 soundtracks and J.M. Jarre
Base: New from scratch
Build time: One Week
Editor(s) used:
Bugs: None I can find.
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