Title: Chainsaw from Zombie Doom
Filename: combos/zombcsaw.zip
Size: 12.08 KB
Date: 08/15/99
Author: Dwayne Ings aka Overkill777
Description: Due to the recent death of Zombie Doom, I've set out to create a series of weapons patches based on some of the weapons from the Zombie Doom beta. Al was cool enough to let me do this, so enjoy!

This patch makes the chainsaw much bloodier.
Credits: Al for letting me use the graphics from the Zombie Doom beta Olivier Montanuy for WinTex Greg Lewis for DeHackEd id Software for Doom and Doom II
Base: The shotgun from the Zombie Doom beta
Build time: Aprox. 1 min
Editor(s) used: WinTex 4.3, Paintbrush, DeHackEd 3.0
Bugs: None
Rating: (3 votes)
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It's the Doom chainsaw, with the blade tinted red. "Build Time: Aprox. 1 min" says it all, really.x

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