Title: Double Barrel Shotgun from Zombie Doom
Filename: combos/zombsht2.zip
Size: 22.81 KB
Date: 08/14/99
Author: Dwayne Ings aka Overkill777
Description: Due to the recent death of Zombie Doom, I've set out to create a series of weapons patches based on some of the weapons from the Zombie Doom beta. Al was cool enough to let me do this, so enjoy!

This one is a cool looking double barrel shotgun.
Credits: Al for letting me use the graphics from the Zombie Doom beta Olivier Montanuy for WinTex Greg Lewis for DeHackEd id Software for Doom and Doom II
Base: The double barrel shotgun from the Zombie Doom beta
Build time: Aprox. 10 min
Editor(s) used: WinTex 4.3, Paintbrush, DeHackEd 3.0
Bugs: None
Rating: (7 votes)
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For Paintbrush, this is not that bad.x
Awful. Makes the shotgun appear from the bottom-right of the screen as with most post-Doom first person shooters. But it's too long, it doesn't point quite right and its distracting. It also uses some frames from the Doom 2 double-gun reloading animation, which is an admisson of defeat as far as I am concerned.x
its kinda cool x

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